martes, 29 de septiembre de 2009


Un dels millors moments de la nit de divendres (apart dels moments postejables...i ke tenim documents gràfics gràcies al ràpit dit de la Siouxie!!) va ser quan vas anar a obrir la nevera... i la teva sorpresa va ser trobar un alvocat amb bola del pastís de kumple... un accident del meuw amor... que ho volem fer a propòsit i no ens surt tant bé...jajajaja
Et pixaves...

domingo, 20 de septiembre de 2009


S'ha acabat l'estiu i tornem a la fresca dels passejos amb les flors i plantes que comencen a sortir per la Tardor...
Com ens agrada tant fer fotografies, un passeig que normalment es fa en 1 hora... en tardem dues... ... a cada racó surten noves plantes de colors preciosos i els núvols envolten les montanyes...

martes, 15 de septiembre de 2009

Patrick Swayze - She's like the wind

Patrick Swayze -Shes Like a wind
by albertulloamsn

She's like the wind through my tree,
She rides the night next to me
She leads me through moonlight
Only to burn me with the sun
She's taken my heart
But she doesn't know what she's done

Feel her breath on my face
Her body close to me
Can't look in her eyes
She's out of my league
Just a fool to believe
I have anything she needs
She's like the wind

I look in the mirror and all I see
Is a young old man with only a dream
Am I just fooling myself
That she'll stop the pain
Living without her
I'd go insane

Feel her breath on my face
Her body close to me
Can't look in her eyes
She's out of my league
Just a fool to believe
I have anything she needs
She's like the wind

I feel your breath on my face
Your body close to me
Can't look in your eyes
Your out of my league
Just a fool to believe
(Just a fool to believe)
She's like the wind
(Just a fool) Just a (to believe) fool to beleive
(She's like the wind)
Just a fool to beleive
(Just a fool to believe)
She's like the wind
She's like the wind

miércoles, 9 de septiembre de 2009

miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2009


Suerte que mi amor llebaba el freno con mucho talento, porque a mi casi me da algo. Sola no me monto, eso está claro.


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